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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
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- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
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- /* slzwe.c */
- /* LZW encoding filter */
- #include "stdio_.h" /* includes std.h */
- #include "gdebug.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- /* Imported procedures */
- extern int s_filter_write_flush(P1(stream *));
- /********************************************************/
- /* LZW routines are based on: */
- /* Dr. Dobbs Journal --- Oct. 1989. */
- /* Article on LZW Data Compression by Mark R. Nelson */
- /********************************************************/
- /*
- * This code implements enhancements to the LZW algorithm.
- *
- * At any moment during the encoding process, let S be the width of the
- * output code in bits. Let N = 1 << S. Let M be the next code to be
- * assigned; we know that N / 2 <= M < N. The only possible codes that
- * can appear in the output are 0 .. M-1. Therefore, we can encode some
- * of these with only S-1 bits. Specifically, let D = N - M. Then to
- * output the code C (0 <= C < M):
- * If C < D, output C in S-1 bits.
- * if D <= C < N / 2, output C * 2 in S bits.
- * Otherwise (N / 2 <= C < M), output (C + N / 2 - M) * 2 + 1 in S bits.
- */
- /* Define the special codes */
- #define code_reset 256
- #define code_eod 257
- #define code_0 258 /* first assignable code */
- /* ------ LZWEncode filter ------ */
- typedef struct lzw_encode_s {
- byte datum; /* last byte of this code */
- unsigned mark : 4; /* (only need 1 bit) */
- unsigned prefix : 12; /* code for prefix of this code */
- } lzw_encode;
- #define encode_max 3000 /* max # of codes, must be */
- /* > code_0 and <= 4095 */
- #define hash_size (encode_max + encode_max / 4)
- typedef struct lzw_encode_table_s {
- lzw_encode encode[encode_max];
- ushort hashed[hash_size];
- } lzw_encode_table;
- /* Hashing function */
- #define encode_hash(code, chr)\
- ((uint)((code) * 59 + (chr) * ((hash_size / 256) | 1)) % hash_size)
- /* Export the table size */
- const uint s_LZWE_table_sizeof = sizeof(lzw_encode_table);
- /* Internal routine to put a code onto the target stream. */
- /* Let S = s->state.lzw.code_size, M = s->state.lzw.next_code, N = 1 << M. */
- /* Relevant invariants: 9 <= S <= 12; N / 2 <= M < N; 0 <= code < M; */
- /* 1 <= s->state.lzw.bits_left <= 8; only the rightmost (8 - s->state.lzw.bits_left) */
- /* bits of s->state.lzw.bits contain valid data. */
- private void
- lzw_put_code(register stream *s, uint code)
- { byte cb;
- uint rep = code, size = s->state.lzw.code_size;
- stream *strm = s->strm;
- if ( s->state.lzw.enhanced )
- { lzw_encode *encode = s->state.lzw.encode_table->encode;
- uint mcode = code;
- lzw_encode *ep;
- uint N = 1 << size, M = s->state.lzw.next_code;
- /* Mark this code and all its prefixes. */
- while ( !(ep = encode + mcode)->mark )
- { ep->mark = 1;
- mcode = ep->prefix;
- }
- /* See if we can represent the code in S-1 bits. */
- if ( code < N - M )
- --size; /* yes */
- else if ( code < N / 2 )
- rep <<= 1; /* no, trailing 0 bit */
- else /* no, trailing 1 bit */
- rep = (code + N / 2 - M) * 2 + 1;
- }
- cb = (s->bits << s->bits_left) +
- (rep >> (size - s->bits_left));
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['w'] )
- { dprintf2("[w]writing 0x%x,%d", code, s->state.lzw.code_size);
- if ( s->state.lzw.enhanced ) dprintf2(" -> 0x%x,%d", rep, size);
- dputc('\n');
- }
- #endif
- sputc(strm, cb);
- if ( (s->bits_left += 8 - size) <= 0 )
- { const byte cb1 = rep >> -s->bits_left;
- sputc(strm, cb1);
- s->bits_left += 8;
- }
- s->bits = rep;
- }
- /* Internal routine to reset the encoding table */
- private void
- lzw_reset_encode(stream *s)
- { register int c;
- lzw_encode_table *table = s->state.lzw.encode_table;
- lzw_put_code(s, code_reset);
- s->state.lzw.next_code = code_0;
- s->state.lzw.code_size = 9;
- s->state.lzw.prev_code = code_eod;
- for ( c = 0; c < hash_size; c++ )
- table->hashed[c] = code_eod;
- for ( c = 0; c < 256; c++ )
- { lzw_encode *ec = &table->encode[c];
- register ushort *tc = &table->hashed[encode_hash(code_eod, c)];
- while ( *tc != code_eod )
- if ( ++tc == &table->hashed[hash_size] )
- tc = &table->hashed[0];
- *tc = c;
- ec->datum = c, ec->prefix = code_eod, ec->mark = 1;
- }
- table->encode[code_eod].prefix = code_reset; /* guarantee no match */
- table->encode[code_eod].mark = 1;
- table->encode[code_reset].mark = 1;
- }
- /* Initialize LZWEncode filter */
- void
- s_LZWE_init(register stream *s, lzw_encode_table *table, int enhanced)
- { s->bits_left = 8;
- s->state.lzw.encode_table = table;
- s->state.lzw.code_size = 9; /* needed for reset code */
- s->state.lzw.next_code = code_0; /* ditto */
- s->state.lzw.enhanced = enhanced;
- lzw_reset_encode(s);
- }
- /* Flush the buffer */
- private int
- s_LZWE_write_buf(register stream *s)
- { register byte *p = s->cbuf;
- byte *limit = s->cptr;
- int code = s->state.lzw.prev_code;
- lzw_encode_table *table = s->state.lzw.encode_table;
- ushort *table_end = &table->hashed[hash_size];
- int limit_code;
- #define set_limit_code()\
- limit_code = (1 << s->state.lzw.code_size) - 1;\
- if ( limit_code > encode_max ) limit_code = encode_max
- set_limit_code();
- while ( p <= limit )
- { byte c = *p;
- ushort *tp;
- for ( tp = &table->hashed[encode_hash(code, c)]; ; )
- { lzw_encode *ep = &table->encode[*tp];
- if ( ep->prefix == code && ep->datum == c )
- { code = *tp;
- p++;
- break;
- }
- else if ( *tp != code_eod )
- { if ( ++tp == table_end )
- tp = &table->hashed[0]; /* wrap around */
- }
- else
- { /* end of recognized sequence */
- lzw_put_code(s, code);
- if ( s->state.lzw.next_code == limit_code )
- { /* Reached power of 2 or limit. */
- /* Determine which. */
- if ( s->state.lzw.next_code == encode_max )
- { lzw_reset_encode(s);
- set_limit_code();
- goto cx;
- }
- s->state.lzw.code_size++;
- set_limit_code();
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['w'] )
- dprintf3("[w]encoding 0x%x=0x%x+%c\n",
- s->state.lzw.next_code, code, c);
- #endif
- *tp = s->state.lzw.next_code++;
- ep = &table->encode[*tp];
- ep->datum = c;
- ep->prefix = code;
- ep->mark = 0;
- cx: code = code_eod;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- s->state.lzw.prev_code = code;
- s->cptr = s->cbuf - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the stream */
- private int
- s_LZWE_close(register stream *s)
- { (*s->procs.write_buf)(s);
- if ( s->state.lzw.prev_code != code_eod )
- { lzw_put_code(s, s->state.lzw.prev_code); /* put out final code */
- /* Adjust next_code for the enhanced case. */
- s->state.lzw.next_code++;
- }
- lzw_put_code(s, code_eod);
- if ( s->bits_left < 8 )
- sputc(s->strm, s->bits << s->bits_left); /* final byte */
- return s_std_close(s);
- }
- /* Stream procedures */
- const stream_procs s_LZWE_procs =
- { s_std_noavailable, NULL, s_filter_write_flush, s_LZWE_close,
- NULL, s_LZWE_write_buf
- };